Revised End Time Events Chronology

Cristian Sava
10 min readNov 22, 2020



Based on the already published End Time Events Chronology, as well as the reconstituted Sabbatical and Jubilee year cycles, we have been able to produce a revised chronology aiming to provide an explanation for the disastrous events currently unfolding in the world, as well as a precise timeline for significant future events: preparatory trumpets before the Close of Probation, the Loud Cry and the final Seven Trumpets, the Close of Probation, the Seven Last Plagues and the Second Coming. At the time of this writing, more than half of this chronology lies already in the past and we think we can see a good agreement between the most important political and spiritual events of the last two years and the trumpet dates deduced from this timeline, which gives us confidence the part of the chronology that is still future will also be fulfilled.

Basic principle

This timeline has been derived based on the following assumptions:

  1. The already published chronology, running from spring 2013 to spring 2017 has not failed, but has been fulfilled symbolically, as the predicted day of the Second Coming on 16-Apr-2017 represented a very significant spiritual convergence: this was the Easter Sunday for both Catholic and Orthodox religions, coinciding also with the Jewish Passover. This symbolic fulfillment suggests this chronology is actually correct, but only as a “key” supposed to work for real only when translated or applied to a different starting point. As mentioned in the corresponding blog, the pivot point of this chronology is 11-Sept-2013 (9/11/13), which plays the part of the “Abomination of Desolation” within the trumpet replay timeline, corresponding to the disastrous fall of Constantinople during 1449 — 1453.
  2. We believe the date in recent years which can fulfill the role of this “Abomination of Desolation” pivot is 19-Apr-2019, identical with Nissan 14 on the Jewish Calendar, representing the anniversary of first Christian communion but also of the arrest of Jesus back in 31 AD. A few days later, after the mock trials, Jesus was crucified, and this cruel act is represented in the horrific bomb attacks against Christian churches packed with worshippers on the 21-Apr-2019 Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, which made hundreds of victims. The attacks were claimed by the Islamic State. According to the reconstituted Sabbatical and Jubilee year cycles, spring 2019 represents a particularly dangerous point, being located in the very middle of the current Jubilee cycle. Moreover, if we also accept the proposed chronology since creation, spring 2019 represents the middle point of the base-7 cycles on four levels (the first time something of this magnitude happens during the Christian era) as well as the middle of the first yearly week after the close of the sixth millennium (as year 2019 AD would be the same as year 6003 AM).

Assuming these principles, if we translate 11-Sept-2013 to 19-Apr-2019, we obtain the true chronology of the final events.

The Backbone Trumpet Replay Timeline

The revised trumpet timeline runs from 21-Nov-2018 to the 15-Aug-2020 Judgement midpoint:

21-Nov-2018: American Christian missionary is killed when trying to reach the yet un-contacted Sentinel Islands tribes.

The same month, the Paradise city in California had been completely destroyed by forest fires. This sudden and total destruction of a previously prosperous community represents a very fit symbolic start for the end time events chronology.

19-Apr-2019: the 5th trumpet (150 days) is being replayed up to this point, representing the Nissan 14 anniversary of the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Getsemane during 31 AD. This corresponds to the 1449 symbolic capitulation of the Byzantine Emperor towards the Turkish Sultan. From this point, the 6th trumpet is being replayed for 391 days.

21-Apr-2019: the horrific bomb attacks in Sri Lanka against the Christian community corresponds to the death of Jesus on the cross and the 1453 violent fall of Constantinople.

This “Abomination of the Desolation” point had been marked symbolically a few days earlier by the burning of the Paris Notre Dame Cathedral. Warnings had been broadcast to the Seventh Day Adventist church a few months in advance by several preachers:

“Even at the Door” by Uncle David Gates ,

National Sunday Law Coming in the Spring of 2019 ,

thereby fulfilling the Biblical description of the “Abomination of Desolation” event as given by Jesus himself:

15 “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. (Matthew 24)

14-May-2020: the Mozambique goverment announces advances in the fight against Islamic State affiliated terrorist groups in the Cabo Delgado province. This corresponds to the 1840 symbolic capitulation of the Ottoman Empire towards the Christian European powers. From this point on, the 7th trumpet is being replayed.

25-May-2020: the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis unleashes a huge wave of protests in the US but also in other Western nations against police brutality and systemic racism. This symbolically corresponds to the 1844 Cleansing of the Sanctuary and the subsequent Advent message being broadcast world-wide. The timing (day of Pentecost after the Jewish Calendar — representing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit), place (Minneapolis, MN — the same as the infamous 1888 Adventist General Conference) as well as content of this tragedy are highly symbolical: police brutality as a symbol of the heavy-handedness of church leadership back in 1888 leading to the stifling of the Holy Spirit, who is called “the breath of God” in the Scriptures. The result, both in 1888 and 2020 is a “cannot breathe” situation, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is prevented and instead a satanic fire of violence, looting and vandalism descends to the streets of America. The subsequent toppling of the statues of European colonialists is another thinly-veiled reference to the Second Angel’s message of Revelation 14:8: the crowd is enraged by the hypocrisy of these Babylonian rulers who with one hand were pretending to spread the Gospel and with the other were dispossessing the native nations of their lands and enslaving the black people.

15-Aug-2020: the Judgment midpoint is being marked by unprecedented forest fires on the US West Coast. This is very fitting, as the start of the Judgement has been marked by the Camp Fire which destroyed the city of Paradise in California.

The Orion Cycle Timeline

The actual chronology has the same structure as the already published 2013–2017 timeline and is made up of 9 Orion cycles (10 including the preliminary one), but translated such as it runs from 24-Nov-2018 to the projected date of the Second Coming: 27-Nov-2022.

Notable events on the timeline can be identified as follows:

06-Oct-2018: Judge Cavanaugh is confirmed to the US Supreme Court, despite damaging allegations of sexual misconduct.

06-Nov-2018: mid-term US elections resulting in the Republican party maintaining control of the Senate, while Democrats gain majority within the House of Representatives.

24-Nov-2018: start of the 1st cycle. The Camp Fire completely destroys the city of Paradise, a highly symbolic event, representing the unforeseen, speedy and destructive character of the final events, to begin in the very midst of a period of apparent prosperity (see 1 Thessalonians 5:3) but finally leading to the complete destruction of the world for 1000 years.

11-May-2019: start of the 2nd cycle. On May 12th, oil tankers are sabotaged in the Gulf of Omar, leading to increased tensions between the US and Iran.

26-Oct-2019: start of the 3rd cycle. The Islamic State leader Al Baghdadi is killed by the US special forces.

04-Jan-2020: 3rd cycle’s red star, representing war and bloodshed. The assassination of Iranian general Quasem Soleimani the previous day greatly escalated the political tensions between the US and Iran and brought the two nations on the brink of war.

11-Apr-2020: start of the 4th cycle; Easter and Passover. The US overtakes Italy as the country with the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in the world.

26-Sept-2020: end of the 4th cycle. On 27 September, heavy fighting erupts between the Armenian and Azeri forces in the Nagorno-Karabach region.

04-July-2020: start of the 5th cycle and the US National Day. During this cycle, presidential elections take place in the US, leading to the victory of the Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

19-Dec-2020: start of the 6th cycle. A few days before this date, on December 14th, the US electoral college met and officially cast their votes for the two candidates.

05-Jun-2021: start of the 7th cycle and World Environment Day. Most probably the current cycle will be dominated by an environmentalist agenda, culminating with the planned meeting on October 4th at the Vatican. This agenda could very well be just a facade hiding sinister persecution plans against God’s remnant people and leading to the universal imposition of forced Sunday rest laws. There are exactly 121 = 11 x 11 days from June 5th to October 4th. The number 11 has known malefic significance (representing imperfection and disaster) and this significance is one order of magnitude amplified for its square.

14-Aug-2021: 7th cycle’s red star, representing war and bloodshed. The next day (August 15th) the Taliban fighters enter the Afghan capital Kabul, bringing to a disastrous end the Western military intervention in this country for the past 20 years.

04-Sept-2021: Bellatrix, representing persecution. A few days earlier the World Prayer Day for the Care of Creation was celebrated, opening the Season of Creation to last until the planned October 4th meeting at the Vatican. This is yet another confirmation that sinister plans are being hatched against God’s remnant people under the cover of the environmentalist agenda.

20-Nov-2021: start of the 8th cycle

07-May-2022: end of the 8th cycle

04-June-2022: start of the 9th and final cycle

The dates for the last seven trumpets before the General Close of Probation can be precisely computed based on the Orion cycle:

06-June-2022: the 1st Trumpet: start of the Loud Cry of the 4th Angel and Close of Probation for the SDA people.

25–26 June-2022: the 2nd Trumpet

13-Aug-2022: the 3rd Trumpet

04-Sept-2022: the 4th Trumpet

17–18 Sept-2022: the 5th Trumpet

24-Oct-2022: the 6th Trumpet

19-Nov-2022: end of the final cycle and the 7th Trumpet: General Close of Probation

20-Nov-2022: the 1st Plague

21-Nov-2022: the 2nd Plague

22-Nov-2022: the 3rd Plague

23-Nov-2022: the 4th Plague

24-Nov-2022: the 5th Plague

25-Nov-2022: the 6th Plague

26-Nov-2022: the 7th Plague

27-Nov-2022: the Second Coming

Important Remark

It is important to keep in mind the confidence level we can place on the current interpretation is not much more than 50% at the time of this writing, due to the failure of the previous chronology, which has been fulfilled only symbolically. However, we believe this uncertainty level will decrease the more we approach the projected 4th Angel Message start date: 06-June-2022, at which point there will be no uncertainty left whatsoever as to the truth of this interpretation, either in the positive or negative sense. We see the current uncertainty as definitely in accord with the Spirit of Prophecy, which emphatically proclaims the end of prophetic time after 1844:

“The preaching of a definite time for the judgment, in the giving of the first [angel’s] message, was ordered of God. The computation of the prophetic periods on which that message was based, placing the close of the 2300 days in the autumn of 1844, stands without impeachment. The repeated efforts to find new dates for the beginning and close of the prophetic periods, and the unsound reasoning necessary to sustain these positions, not only lead minds away from the present truth, but throw contempt upon all efforts to explain the prophecies. The more frequently a time is set for the second advent, and the more widely it is taught, the better it suits the purposes of Satan. After the time has passed, he excites ridicule and contempt of its advocates, and this casts reproach upon the great advent movement of 1843 and 1844. Those who persist in this error will at last fix upon a date too far in the future for the coming of Christ. Thus they will be led to rest in a false security, and many will not be undeceived until it is too late.” (GC 456–57)

Also, this current uncertainty is the only way such strong statements against time setting can be reconciled with the voice of God giving the saints the day and hour of the Second Coming as described in Ellen White’s first vision:

“Soon we heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus’ coming. The living saints, 144,000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder and an earthquake. When God spoke the time, He poured upon us the Holy Ghost, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God, as Moses’ did when he came down from Mount Sinai.” (Early Writings, page 15)

Therefore, the current uncertainty, far from disproving the current interpretation, is instead only supporting it! We believe the Advent history will end the same way it began, that is with a time interpretation, which will play a key part during the Fourth Angel’s Message. If proven true, such a precise chronology will be a fantastic weapon both of attack and defense, impressing millions of people worldwide with the truth of the Bible and of the Advent message and contributing to the great glory of the Fourth Angel which will enlighten the entire world:

After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. (Revelation 18:1)

This article has been written with the sincere hope this interpretation will play a part and contribute to the success of this powerful message!



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