Cristian SavaReconstituirea ciclurilor Anilor Sabatici și JubiliariIntroducereApr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Cristian SavaReconstituting the Sabbatical and Jubilee year cyclesIntroductionJan 13, 20193Jan 13, 20193
Cristian SavaCei doi stâlpi gemeni ai Credinței AdventeCredința adventă de ziua a șaptea este bazată pe doi stâlpi gemeni care pot fi reprezentați grafic în modul următor:Dec 1, 2018Dec 1, 2018
Cristian SavaThe twin pillars of the Seventh Day Adventist faithThe Seventh-Day Adventist faith can be said to be centered around two twin pillars that can be represented graphically as follows:Nov 11, 2018Nov 11, 2018
Cristian SavaEnd Time Events ChronologyI would like to bring to your attention a certain theological interpretation that enables us to compute a precise chronology of the end…Mar 26, 20161Mar 26, 20161